Sustainable Destination Strategy

Tourisme Montréal is moving towards a more proactive and strategic role in the management of the destination, where the coexistence of residents and tourists is encouraged in a concern "to harmoniously integrate tourist flows into local dynamics". Our Sustainable Tourism Strategy aims to create a smart, financially prosperous, diverse and sustainable tourism sector. For Tourisme Montréal, this is a major and ambitious paradigm shift.


For any question, please contact: 

Fanny Beaulieu-Cormier, project manager

By carrying out the actions outlined in the policy, Tourisme Montréal contributes to a thriving industry and a harmonious cohabitation of visitors and residents. As an organization, it is building back better and it is dedicated to a sustainable and resilient recovery. It ensures commercial and business growth, while building resilience and sustainability at all levels: economic, social, cultural and environmental.

Our growth perspective is very real. It must emphasize the benefits for the entire Montreal community. By focusing on economic, social and environmental aspects, it is part of a sustainable development perspective.

A true manifesto for a sustainable recovery, this framework for intervention in sustainable tourism aims to rebuild better by being part of the movement of benevolent and regenerative tourism. It builds a common front for tourism resilience with the business and local communities.


Sustainable Destination Strategy

This strategy, to which the entire Tourisme Montréal ecosystem must adhere and contribute, will encourage the development of an exemplary tourism destination by 2030 by having a positive impact on the local community and the environment, by promoting the harmonious cohabitation of the local population and tourists, by promoting responsible tourism within our ecosystem, by ensuring the organization of environmentally friendly business and sports events, and by encouraging sustainable business actions that promote growth.

« Tourisme Montréal uses the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals as its frame of reference. »


Our commitment to sustainable tourism 2030

Tourisme Montréal has signed the Sustainable Tourism 2030 pledge to demonstrate its commitment to improving the sustainable development performance of its organization and activities by 2030.

Each year, we commit to measuring and improving our sustainability performance for all the actions in our sustainable tourism strategy. For example, we evaluate the following actions:

  • Conducting an annual consultation with the local population to measure general satisfaction and support for tourism development.
  • Supporting and promoting responsible sourcing among tourism businesses while encouraging local businesses.
  • Measure and reduce our carbon footprint while promoting low-carbon itineraries to visitors.
  • Educate visitors to adopt eco-responsible practices.

Tourism as collective wealth

Beyond the number of travelers, tourism prosperity is defined by an improved visitor experience, increased local satisfaction, local economic benefits, and the preservation of green spaces that support a vibrant living environment adapted to climate change.

The benefits of tourism are therefore numerous. In addition to acting as a major economic vector, it contributes to cultural exchanges, mutual understanding and peace. « It counters discrimination and prejudice between individuals and societies and constitutes in many ways a form of collective wealth. »

In Montreal, the socio-economic benefits of tourism also include :

  • The tourist traffic which is important for the maintenance of cultural and museum institutions, in addition to strongly animating the central districts and the regions bordering the destination.
  • The presence of visitors in Montreal neighborhoods which contributes to the dynamism of the place and which has an impact on residents' sense of security.
  • Business events that contribute to increasing research and scientific knowledge locally and around the world.
  • Sporting events that contribute to the well-being of local communities and participants by providing important legacy and social impact.
  • The creation of quality jobs in several areas of the tourism ecosystem.

Sustainable tourism

Pillars for a sustainable destination

The strategy is implemented through four pillars. Each of the pillars is implemented through the achievement of objectives and actions

  1. Help business cultures in the tourism sector adapt.
    To make a global and inclusive shift towards sustainability, Tourisme Montréal must set an example. It creates an organizational culture in which considerations of sustainability, inclusion and accessibility are an integral part of daily decision-making. This positioning plays a fundamental role in recruitment as well as in projects, partnerships, collaborations, campaigns, events and other activities.

  2. Promote harmonious cohabitation of the local population and tourists.
    Tourism and economic development should not be promoted at the expense of the quality of life of the local population, but rather add value by contributing to the cultural and social vitality of the destination. Thus, visitors, conventioneers and local communities benefit from the tourism industry, creating a win-win situation. The local population will be involved in the development of the destination to ensure a harmonious cohabitation with visitors through a proactive approach.

  3. Make the destination resilient
    Montreal has always been a safe city; however, with the COVID-19 crisis, new challenges have emerged. Tourisme Montréal is fully committed to prioritizing the physical safety and the health of the local population and of visitors. It calls for agency responsibility and sector coordination to ensure the resumption of activities. In order to rebuild visitor confidence as quickly as possible, the tourism industry must demonstrate its ability to protect consumers/visitors/travelers as well as its workers and suppliers.

  4. Reduce the environmental footprint of tourism development
    Tourism accounts for 8% of the world's total carbon emissions. Sustainable recovery is a key concern and priority. We promote green spaces, public transit and active modes of transportation to benefit residents and tourists alike in a harmonious destination.